GWS 2024 Speaker Resources

Speaker Checklist

  ✅  ASAP: Complete speaker agreement(s) noting that one agreement is required per session
  ✅  ASAP: Provide headshot to GWS team
  ✅  By 16 August: Provide session updates to GWS team
  ✅  By 22 August: Register for GWS
  ✅  By 1 October: Provide presentation slide deck or session outline to GWS team
  ✅  By 1 October: Book housing

Speaker Agreement & Headshot

Complete your speaker agreement and upload your headshot to confirm your participation at GWS 2024 by 20 June.


All speakers are required to register for the event by 22 August. Visit the Registration page to view registration types and rates, then complete your registration.

Housing and Travel

Speakers are responsible for their own housing and travel arrangements. To view more about rates and booking options, please visit the Hotel and Travel page. Note that the GWS 2024 discounted housing block is only available until the 1 October deadline or when the block is full, whichever comes first. WERC strongly suggests booking early to secure the best rates.

Session Changes

If you have any changes to your session information, edits to your title, abstract, and/or panelists/co-presenters, please email

The Organizing Committee encourages its speakers to fine tune their presentation details as the presentation is built, however, the committee also reserves the right to withdraw invitation to present at GWS should the final session be significantly modified from the initial proposal. This includes panelists or co-presenters not listed as part of your initial submission or not following provided feedback to alter your invited co-speakers.

Breakout Room AV

Breakout rooms will be equipped with the following set-up. If you have any request for additional equipment, email by 1 August.

  • Screen
  • Projector
  • Laptop
  • Podium with microphone
  • 2 wireless microphones

Additional equipment requests will be reviewed by WERC and may be subject to an additional fee to the speaker.

Learning Materials

Due Friday, 1 October

Learning materials, such as presentation slides and session outlines, are essential elements of an attendee’s learning experience. Whether you are creating a slide deck or building an outline for a panel discussion, upload your learning materials by 1 October.

Before downloading the GWS 2024 PowerPoint Template, please add the Poppins font to your device.

Poppins Font Download Instructions:

  1. Find "Poppins" on the Google Fonts website
  2. Click "Get Font" in the upper right corner
  3. Next click "Download All" in the upper right corner
  4. Find the "" file in your computer's "Downloads" folder, right click on it, and select "Extract All"
  5. Click on each "TrueType font file" in the extracted folder and click "Install." The font will be added to your device.

Please check that all text is in the Poppins font before submitting your presentation.

Download the GWS 2024 PowerPoint Template

Upload your learning material(s):

  • Login to your Submission Portal
  • In your presentation listing, click the ‘Submit’ button next to Stage 2
  • Click the ‘Choose File’ to select your learning material file
    • File must be in PDF format
    • Click the ‘Add a Session Handout?’ button if you have more than one file to upload
    • Upload up to 3 files per presentation
  • Click ‘Submit’ at the bottom of the page to save your upload

Presentation Best Practices

Audience Engagement

Ensure your final presentation includes audience engagement techniques, such as but not limited to group work, small group discussions, flip charts, QR codes, or digital tools to engage individual responses (wordly, Padlet, jamboards, mentimenter are just a few examples). The WERC team will be happy to support you if you have any questions about how to make your session as engaging as possible!

Structure Your Presentation

Develop your presentation in a logical, progressive flow based on your session learning objectives. Create an outline of the presentation and share with your audience to begin the session. Include a summary to end your presentation to reiterate your learning objectives.

Go In-depth

When building your content keep your audience in mind and provide in-depth content vs. high-level concepts. Based off feedback from the 2023 event, the GWS attendees are looking for sessions that go beyond surface level and dive deep into your topic.

Know Your Timing

Breakout sessions will be 60mins including your presentation and time for Q&A. It is essential to the conference, and attendee experience, to stick to the schedule. When building your presentation, be mindful of how much content you can cover within the time allotted.

Panelist Presence

When building your panelists, consider the following:

  • Ensure all panelists are a subject matter expert on the topic

  • Panelists with unique perspectives from one another

  • Panelists from varying practice settings. For example, large firm, small firm, government, nonprofit, etc.

  • Panelists of similar job levels

  • Limit the panel to no more than 4 panelists and 1 moderator

Marketing Materials

Promote your involvement at GWS to your networks! To support your efforts, WERC’s Marketing Team has designed a marketing toolkit that has social media, email, and many more templates.

View Marketing Toolkit

Contact Us

Email if you have any general questions about presenting or registration as speakers.

Email for registration related questions.